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“Collaboration for sustainable open access publishing in Africa” journals survey

1 Start 2 I. General 3 II. Funding 4 III. Editorial 5 IV. Technical 6 V. Visibility 7 VI. Challenges 8 VII. End 9 Preview 10 Submit
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“Collaboration for sustainable open access publishing in Africa” project aims to develop and deliver a participatory funding approach that will enhance quality and sustainability of African diamond open access (OA) publishing initiatives while maintaining their diversity. Diamond OA means that no fees to authors and readers are charged. Two open grant funding calls for proposals co-designed with the diamond OA community will be issued and the funds provided will strengthen quality diamond OA publishing across Africa. The project is implemented by EIFL, AJOL and WACREN.

If you are publishing a diamond OA journal in Africa we invite you to fill in this survey. Your participation in the survey will help us better understand challenges that the diamond OA community is facing and plan the grant funding calls for proposals to support the community.

The survey is divided into six sections:
1. General journal features
2. Funding, incentives, institutional support, sustainability and collaborations
3. Editorial quality and research integrity/publication ethics
4. Technical service efficiency
5. Visibility and discoverability (including indexation)
6. Challenges, funding needs and support required to make a diamond OA journal more sustainable

The survey has a total of 37 questions and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Please find a printable Word file version of the survey for you to review before you fill in the survey online. Please note that only the online version can be used to submit your final answers.

The survey should be answered, preferably, on a computer. The survey saves answers per page as you click the “Next Page” button and move to the following page. You can exit the survey if you wish and re-enter by copying the link in the same device and browser from which you first accessed it. The pages you have filled in up to that point will be saved. Please note that you will also be able to go back and make changes to your answers before submitting them.

Please press the “Submit” button at the end of the survey. Otherwise, your answers will not be recorded. Please note, that after pressing the submit button, you won't be able to make any changes to your answers.

The survey closes on February 29, 2024.

If you encounter technical issues while filling in the survey please contact the project manager Iryna Kuchma at

By default, the responses provided in this survey will be anonymised. Neither you nor your affiliation (institution/organization/journal, etc.) will be identified in any future project outputs. Your participation in this study is confidential. Personal data collected throughout the survey (an email if you choose to provide it) will be handled in accordance with the EIFL’s privacy policy.