Humanities, Social Sciences
31 Dec 2024
The e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection provides online access to Duke University Press journals in the humanities and social sciences. The EIFL offer provides access to all issues published 24 months ago or more, and currently includes 64 titles.
subject coverage
African studies, anthropology, art & art history, asian studies, criticism & theory, cultural studies, economics, education, environmental humanities, ethnography, european studies, fiction & poetry, film & media studies, gender & sexuality studies, literary studies, health policy, history, international regional studies, middle east studies, music theory, pedagogy, philosophy, politics, religious studies, science studies, sociology & social theory, theatre & performance studies.
key features
- The collection is hosted by Silverchair at read.dukeupress.edu.
- The Duke Journals are renowned for cutting edge scholarship in their specialized subjects. Flagship journals in their fields include American Literature, Ethnohistory, GLQ, History of Political Economy, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Journal of Music Theory, and Public Culture.
- Free access to all back issues for the duration of the deal – for a large portion of the journals these files extend back to 2000, with the rest extending back to various times from 1940 to 2014
- COUNTER 4 compliant usage statistics are available.
- No Digital Rights Management restrictions.
- 19 journals are indexed in Scopus, 18 journals indexed in Arts & Humanities Citation Index, 9 journals indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index.
- RSS feeds and table-of-contents alerting.
- Enhanced searching available with keyword, author, advanced and full-text searching.
- Citation links to CrossRef, PubMed and Google Scholar .
- PDF format available for all titles, HTML format available for some.
- Mobile optimization available.
- All content is in LOCKSS, CLOCKSS and Portico to ensure long term availability.
further information
- Download title list.
- Usage statistics can be accessed at dukeupress.edu/Libraries/usage.php.
- Read about EIFL's agreement for Euclid Prime Collection of journals in theoretical and applied mathematics and statistics.