More and more libraries are using digital technology to provide new and different kinds of services, like training people to look for jobs online, or facilitating access to e-government services. In ‘Outcomes of library programmes and services’ (6 min 45 sec), EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) Impact Manager Ugne Lipeikaite provides pointers for how to measure outcomes - that is, the benefits that library users receive from a specific service or programme.
EIFL-PLIP’s Small Bites: ‘Outcomes of library programmes and services’ is one of a series of short videos for public librarians and public library trainers produced by EIFL-PLIP.
More EIFL-PLIP Small Bites -
- ‘Managing Workshop Expectations’ (5 minutes)
- ‘How to evaluate your library’s training programme’ (5 minutes)
- 'Community needs assessment' (6 minutes)
- 'Promoting your library's training programmes on social media‘ (7 minutes)
Enjoy the ‘Small Bites’. Let us know if you found the format and content useful, or have any other feedback – plip@eifl.net