There are 1,200+ open access repositories in EIFL partner countries.
Open access (OA) can be implemented in two main ways. A researcher can deposit a copy of an article and data in an OA repository or can publish articles in OA journals. As scholarly communication evolves, new skills and competencies are required to publish OA journals and launch and support OA repositories.
The EIFL Open Access Programme (EIFL-OA) works to ensure that OA journal managers/editors and OA repository managers/administrators are trained and have the skills needed to manage their OA journals and OA repositories effectively.
Want to know more? Contact EIFL Open Access Programme Manager, Iryna Kuchma:
The webinars have been informative in nature, helpful and they have provided knowledge on a wide scope of software to choose from. The recorded webinars have provided ample time to review and further understand the presentations.
There are 1,200+ open access repositories in EIFL partner countries.
There are 4,100+ OA journals in EIFL partner countries.