The International Network of Library Innovators (INELI) India and South Asia has invited the EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) to present a webinar featuring three winners of the EIFL Public Library Innovation Award.
The webinar is titled ‘EIFL Public Library Innovation Award Winners: community driven library services from Croatia, Lithuania, and Moldova’, and the three libraries are:
Prelog City Public Library in Croatia, which is helping children to learn new digital and financial skills; Plungė Municipal Library in Lithuania, which created a smart application to spark interest in learning about local cultural and natural heritage, and Chisinau ‘B. P. Hasdeu’ Municipal Library in Moldova, which provides online access to municipal governance information and contributes to citizens’ participation in democracy.
- Date and time: 27 January, 18:00 India Standard Time
The webinar is for INELI India and South Asia members. However, others who are interested in participating can email plip@eifl.net, explaining why their participation is important and requesting an invitation.